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Title: The history of evolutionary biology: What can we learn from it?

Speaker: Manyuan Long, Professor, The University of Chicago

Time:   18:00-20:00, March 3rd, 2014

Venue: 100 Renwen Building (闵行人文楼100号报告厅)


1) Why do we care the history?  2) Who are we when discussing about the history?  3) Are there any patterns we can learn by examining the history?  4) What drives the evolution of scientific history?


Professor Long was awarded The Edna K. Papazian Distinguished Service Professor at The University of Chicago in 2011.

1) Scientific impacts:

Ø  Recognized as the pioneer of the area of the origination and evolution of new genes.

Ø  His discovers have shaped the new chapters and sections about new gene evolution in major textbooks pf evolutionary biology (e.g. Douglas Futuyma, 2009 and 2005, Evolution, Sinauer, Massachusetts; Michael Lynch, 2007, The Origins of Genome Architecture, Sinauer, Massachesetts; Wen-Hsiung Li, 1997, Molecular Evolution, Sinauer, Massachusetts; Roderic Page and Edward Holmes, 1998, Molecular Evolution. Blackwell Science London).

2) Social impacts:

Ø  New York Times, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Sacramento Bee, La Vanguardia, New Scientist, Scientist, Discover, La Recherche, and other news media in US, Europe, China and Taiwan reported in various languages his scientific discovers and commentaries.

Ø  His research results summarized in a Nature Rev Genet article (Manyuan Long et al, 2003) were cited as major evidence in a successful defense of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution in the nationally famous case of Kitzmiller et al. vs. Dover Area School District in Pennsylvania in 2005.