The workshop of “Grain and Politics of the Twentieth Century” was held by history department on May 28-29, 2011. The following topics were discussed in this workshop: grain and politics before the Great Leap Famine, origins of the Great Leap Famine, quantitative approaches to the Soviet and Chinese Leap famines, grain supplies and territorial control, Bolsheviks and the peasant question, new research on the Soviet famine, food and stature. The discussion covered a wide area which includesChina, Soviet Union,Ukraine,Kazakhstan,Germanyand Indian Ocean. English language was used in the report and discussion.
Session 1: Grain and Politics before the Great Leap Famine 1
Cao Shuji, Li Wankun Increasing the levy on big family: The movement of grain levies in Jiangjin county in 1950.
Liu Shigu The liquidation of “Merchant-Landlords": A study based on Nanchang County archives.
Wang Chunying Grain and currency : Currency intergration in the early People’s Republic.
Session 2: Grain and Politics before the Great Leap Famine 2
Xu Jin Grain and politics: The Unified Purchase and Resale System in Wuwei County,1956-1957.
Yang Bin, Chen Minghua Grain, economic shortages and corruption in Wuwei county.
Wang Baoning Bumper harvests and
harvest shortfalls: The transformation of the farming system in Shandong in the 1950s.
Session 3: Origins of the Great Leap Famine
Chen Yixin Irrigation, labor diversion, and grain production during the Great Leap Forward.
Fan Ziying From industry bias to urban bias—A new explanation for the Great Leap Famine.
Liu Yuan Revising the causation ofChina’s Great Leap Famine 50 years on: Loss and recovery of the right to exit freely from Communal Dining Halls.
Chen Donglin The Great Leap Famine and the 1978 drought compared from the perspectives of climate and policy decisions.
Session 4: Quantitative approaches to the Soviet and Chinese Leap famines Stephen G. Wheatcroft Demographic Records, Budget Studies and Anthropometric Measurements in Times of Food Strain in theUSSR, 1918-48.
Mark Henderson Demographic Impacts of Policy Crises in Early PRC History: A Spatial Research Agenda.
Anthony Garnaut Twenty years on the grain front: Development, food supply and population inChina, 1946-1965.
Session 5: Grain supplies and territorial control
Feng Xiaocai Self-Reliance and Social Control: The Local Food Trade in Shanghai in the Great Leap Famine (1959-1961).
Filip Slaveski Soviet and British Food Wars in OccupiedGermany, 1945-49.
Lance Brennan Famine and Food Crisis around the Indian Ocean during World War II.
Session 6: Bolsheviks, Grain and the peasant question
Hou Xiaojia When Communists First Encountered Peasants: How did the Chinese Communist Party Fail to Understand Peasants in the 1920s.
Sun Qi Human Capital, Commercialization and Migration in 1930s: the case of the North China and Lower Yangzi River.
Liu Ying The Sino-Soviet grain trade in the 1930s.
Session 7: New research on the Soviet famine
Stanislav Kulchycky The Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933.
Viktor Kondrashin New archival documents on the Russian famine of 1932-33. Niccolò PianciolaArchives on the history of collectivization and the famine of 1931-33 inKazakhstan.
Session 8: Food, Nutrition and Stature
L.H.Lumey Prenatal Famine and Adult Health.
Song Shige Identifying the Intergenerational Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Nutritional Deprivation on Infant Mortality: Using the 1959-1961 Chinese Great Leap Forward Famine as a Natural Experiment.
Stephen Morgan Stature and Famine inChina: The Welfare of the Survivors of the Great Leap Forward Famine, 1959-61.